The circumcision of the heart


The Coming of The Kingdom is to the heart.The circumcision of the heart, it is also called converting of the soul. This is not what is called being born again or born of the spirit or the regeneration of the spirit. Though one needs the spirit to be enabled to come into the conversion of the soul they are different happenings. The conversion of the soul comes by abiding in Jesus’s word and of the hearing of the Truth until Christ is brought into fullness in the individual that is you me and each one. I ask you the question have you heard this preached in church?

It is even more than that it has to be walked through and lived out. It is the way to the entrance into the Kingdom. It is the way to highest hearts desire fulfilled and the walking in the promises of heaven on earth as it is in heaven. It does always come by difficulties tribulation birth pains ect ect at the working of your faith to bring you into the reality of the Kingdom realm. Make your eyes be open to this and do not turn away from it. Use faith to bring breakthrough and you will see your light come.

If you are sitting under a teaching that is not leading you into the true circumcision the conversion of the soul then you are a fool, because the alternative is to be made into a disciple of hell as Jesus has made warning of, one needs to understand that the realm of hell exist in the uncircumcised soul realm, one that is born of the spirit can lose there soul in hell. This doesn’t mean they can’t find it again, but it all comes down to this if you lose your life for His sake you will find it, if you find your life you will lose it. If your not of the learning of the circumcision of the soul you are not genuine and you really do not know anything about the Truth.