Hear Truth


Those that don’t hear Truth, will aways be running behind, they may follow good teaching they may following accurate prophecy, they may study the bible and know more than others. But those that don’t hear Truth are somewhere else. But out there, there is not accurate prophecy there is not accurate teaching and the study that is from opinion is a lie. The answer is by faith, seek Truth, seek the Kingdom of God by faith, if one does not walk in faith they will not know Truth. If your teachers are not teaching you faith then you should wake up to know they do not know. Truth brings freedom Truth brings increase, Truth cannot fellowship with those that don’t seek Truth. Truth does change everything, but it is worth it, it puts you in another place, it is the place of all things new. Truth is where righeousness dwells. Righteousness shines as the sun in the Kingdom of the Father. It is the new day dawning of a new day. The new day is truly coming upon us, but we have to align with the Father.