Water Walking


    The like of water walking. When you think or feel you have nothing underneath you, just use your faith and you will keep moving on. Those that are not of faith don’t have this asset, they are confident in themselves but as such that is a real deficit in the economy of life. Those that have this self-confidence when they confront someone of faith they may feel they are superior, but the wisdom of the world before God is foolishness and For All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. Repent means to change your mind for the Kingdom of God is at hand, this is a saying that will increase in notoriety as days increase. We are in the days of increase of the Kingdom of God on the earth as it has not happened before, we are in the day of the new, we are in the day of the Lord. Face the darkness with faith and you will see the light of the new day coming.