What the New day means


We are coming into the day which is the new day dawning where God is calling all to account unto Him and that time is now, it is at it’s beginning. The church whom is His beloved has it prepared itself for this day? Or has it programmed itself to only accept it if it see’s it with it’s own natural eyes? The thing is if the church wants to walk as the beloved it has to see as He see’s and think as He thinks. There is great reward for being on the right side but on the other side it is as kicking against the picks and walking into walls. We are coming into the time that God says, ‘I AM your Great reward’ There is not another way for us to give account to God but by our faith, and this is the lesson He is going to teach us. And teach us He will. Those that oppose His will will be moved out of the way, but listen He is very patient with those that are willing to learn.