He is able to save from the uttermost


    Those that sit under the teaching of the law of sin and death, when they backslide as they often do, how do they come back? The answer may vary due to the amount of condemnation handed out or some uninformed opinion. But listen to this those that are taught by truth, when they backslide, no matter how badly. All they need is some light of truth revealed in their heart and they are back instantly as if they were never gone.
    Truth will take one on a ride that will restore them from the uttermost to great heights. Jesus didn’t come to call the righteous but sinners. In Truth He declares the sinner innocent there by giving them a new identit

    When one sits under the teaching of the law of sin and death it is a hard thing to hear Truth. The teachers of the law of sin and death will also tell you, you need to be under their covering for protection. Salvation from the law of sin and death is a daily experience with those that hear Truth