What Peace


We are talking about the real peace here and what peace do you have? When you walk in Truth by faith things clear the way and you can also see clearly of what is going on. Without this one doesn’t really know where they are going, so they will go to someone for advice that will help them feel better, but really is this the best you want? By faith heaven is ready to bring you to a good place, it does take some people time to work this out, we are lead by peace, but what one needs to know if this peace is fleshly that won’t last long or is it the peace from eternity. Those who lean on the fleshly peace do gain a false yearning to go home, which is a lie in itself. The peace that is eternal makes you feel comfortable where ever you are. You have heard it said, They say peace peace but what peace? The real peace that comes from God comes by faith and is a way maker, that will move you on to the next level.