The Church World thinking


    Those that have been brought up in the church world have been subject to the thinking that the church world operates in and depending on which church or religion that you have been associated with will have your church world thinking lean in that direction, if the church world thinking was in line with the thoughts of God then it would all be heading in the same direction, that is I mean in the same direction here on earth in the now. Jesus said I have not come to bring peace on the earth, now here is a quandary the thinking of the world church is to agree to disagree, this is the peace that Jesus didn’t come to bring on earth, on the contrary the sword of His thoughts is the way of His peace to come to the heart. Let me says this God’s thoughts do not agree to disagree. Here is a question how many in the church world seek God’s thoughts and how many actually find His thoughts and how many endure in the thinking of His thoughts? And how many are being lied to and are lying to themselves that they are thinking God’s thoughts? In the church world there are those that have found the baptism of the Holy Spirit and these think they are above those that haven’t, I say these will be made more accountable as they have the greatest possession in the Kingdom. So the sword does come and who can stop it? It’s aim is to bring the real peace and the real unity, and the real freedom and the real truth, be careful not to stand in it’s way, but to humble yourself and find that God was there all the time but believing lies has kept one blinded and kept one outside. Though in it all the potter has been at work. It is inevitable that the church world thinking will be burned in the fire and I would perceive that Jesus has kindled His fire.