Promise from the Mountain is He will teach us of His Ways


The promise of God that is from the mountain of the Lord, is that He will teach us of His Ways, and the result of this is ‘then we will walk in His paths’. The testimony given to us of Moses was that he knew Gods ways but of the Hebrew people that came with him that were delivered out of Egypt they knew God’s acts but didn’t know God’s ways. It turned out that because they didn’t know God’s ways they ended up dying in the wilderness. We are now in a greater covenant with God than that of the time of Moses, The Kingdom of God is likened to the Highest Mountain. Just because we are in a higher covenant than them previously, doesn’t give us a free ticket to the promises, we are still required to know His ways. It was a requirement for those in the wilderness to believe and have faith in God’s promises despite contrary circumstances. God’s ways are not difficult to understand and they are not out of our reach as some would lead you to believe. One essential thing is to know that God is Good and that he will do what He said, and for us to believe this and make agreement with our mouth. God made a covenant with Abraham saying everyone that is in your house is to be circumcised. We now know this circumcision is to the heart as the flesh was only a symbol, In Isaiah 59:21 it says it plainly and this is the same covenant God made with Abraham. Read this because it our part of the covenant that has been ratified by His blood.