Hear what is being said


    Problems occur when the listener doesn’t hear what is being said. When one gets into a place of hearing then they can correctly understand, they can see to reject or accept what is being said, maybe there is a message coming forth that can be taken wrongly because to goes against the grain of the belief system of the listener. God is aiming for His people to listen with ears to hear, but when the listener doesn’t hear offence can occur and they go the other way and miss out on what God maybe leading them into. The way the Truth and the Life does get revealed to those that have ears to hear. Jesus said He is the Way the Truth and the Life, but it is only for those that follow Him. He said my sheep hear my voice and follow me. A wolf though they may have sheep’s clothing and may sound like a sheep but they don’t purpose to hear His voice and what comes from there mouths can only be lies that are against the Truth, and they end up hindering others that are seeking to walk in Truth. Many do prefer there own belief system and go the easier way, Jesus said many choose the easier way and they no doubt think they are right, but the way the Truth and the Life is through the narrow way, it is of seeing light and following the light and a path forms before them.