Some things I believe that are in the about the tongues conversation.


God said in the first commandment, one of the things is love the Lord your God with all your mind, many that speak in tongues have neglected that. Speaking in tongues is not a tool for renewing the mind. One may get a supercharge from praying in tongues, but having an unrenewed mind will still keep you open to anything, meaning the unrenewed mind is where the enemy does his stuff.

The issue is when your mind is not in unity with your spirit your are divided within yourself. Meditating on the word of God and the profession of our faith has not been put aside as counted not valid anymore because we now have the gift of tongues. Speaking forth the word of God in faith believing has not been replaced by speaking forth a tongue we don’t know about what we don’t know what we are believing. If we are truly son’s of God we will speak forth what we believe by faith knowing what we are saying.