One needs to use Faith


One needs to know how to use faith, if one does not use faith they will remain in darkness, whether it be a Christian a Jew or any other religion and also those that don’t consider God. Walking in the dark is full of dangers, the use of faith causes light to come onto your path, if you don’t know how to use it or what you have tried doesn’t work, look and listen don’t turn away. A new day is dawning that you will want to be part of, but you have to learn.

Speaking in tongues is unfruitful for your mind, the speaking forth of the word of faith is fruitful for your mind. The first message of the Kingdom is repent which means to change your mind. All it comes down to if we want to live as a Kingdom citizen they have to think like one. It says speaking in tongues edifies the spirit but is unfruitful for the mind, it also says tongues will pass away. A Child of God should be able to speak something forth and that is enough for it is done. Just as Jesus did.