Line upon line or hearing and seeing


The old is about line upon line, precept upon precept. The new which is the Kingdom is about hearing and seeing. Jesus said you need to be born of the spirit to see the Kingdom, But being born of the spirit doesn’t mean you do see the Kingdom, it is only a position from which you can, Most of these remain in the old. One of these may get a glimpse here and there, if they knew what they did to get that glimpse they would be doing that thing all the time, meaning they would be seeking the Kingdom all the time. It is a far wider road – the line upon line precept upon precept gig you can tell that by all the differing opinions and different churches.

Those that operate on the line upon line precept upon precept way, they find it hard to walk by faith, it is easier to stay in the old, after all that’s where everyone else is, this is an issue with all Christianity. The precept upon precept line upon line is a law activity much like living under the law. How Jesus lived was, He saw what the Father was doing and He did it and what He saw and heard the Father speak that’s what He said. The liners just quote scripture.